Sunday, January 23, 2011

Solo Show: "Illuminating Perspectives"

"Golden Breezes", 24 x 24, Oil
Happy New Year!  It has been awhile since I have updated my blog!  The year's end brought lots of activity and not enough time to update this space.  I am writing to let you know about my current solo show and I hope you can stop by...

"Illuminating Perspectives",
Features twenty-two abstract landscape oil paintings of colorful and luminous warmth.  
Show Dates:  January 13- February 19, 2011

The Art Gallery of Potomac,
10107 River Road,
Potomac, MD    

Thurs - Sun 12-4

I am excited to let you know this painting is featured on the inside cover of GalleriesMagazine. (  This magazine features galleries in the mid Atlantic area and the current show schedule.
More exciting shows coming up, stay tuned...visit my website at to see more new works...